關於soldering paste的評價,
《舊聞複習》【通孔印錫膏(PIH,Paste-In-Hole)】製程就是把錫膏(Solder paste)直接印刷於PCB(Print Circuit Board,電路板)的電鍍通孔(PTH, Pla...
《舊聞複習》【通孔印錫膏(PIH,Paste-In-Hole)】製程就是把錫膏(Solder paste)直接印刷於PCB(Print Circuit Board,電路板)的電鍍通孔(PTH, Pla...
《舊文複習》現今電路板的組裝,基本上都是透過所謂的【錫膏(solder paste)】將電子零件黏...
This is not the first time that Working-Bear be ch...
Today, most of electronic parts are developed int...
《How to use SMT Line to produce a printed circuit...
《How to use SMT Line to produce a printed circuit...
《How to use SMT Line to produce a printed circuit...